Prediabetes Understanding Glucose

People with prediabetes have higher-than-normal

blood glucose levels that aren't high enough to be
called diabetes. Prediabetes is a common health
condition, especially among overweight adults.
Unfortunately, most people who have prediabetes
are not aware they have the condition.If you want to
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Understanding Blood Glucose

In a healthy person, the pancreas releases a
hormone called insulin to help the body turn blood
glucose (commonly called blood sugar) into energy.
A high glucose level is a sign that this process is
not working properly. The pancreas is struggling to
meet the body's needs. The person has developed
prediabetes. If a person who has prediabetes does
not adopt a healthier lifestyle, the pancreas works
harder until it cannot produce enough insulin. If this
happens, the person has type 2 diabetes.

Risk Factors

Many factors raise a person's risk for developing
prediabetes. It's more likely to develop in people
who are 45 or older. People who are overweight,
physically inactive or who have family members
with this disease are at a higher risk. It is more
common in certain racial and ethnic groups,
including people who are of black, Hispanic or
Asian descent. And it is more common in women
who have developed gestational diabetes, or who
have given birth to a large baby.


In most cases, people do not have any symptoms
of prediabetes. A person who is at risk should have
regular checkups with a doctor to test for signs of
the condition.


If not managed properly, prediabetes can worsen
over time. It can lead to serious complications such
as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Prediabetes can be managed with a healthier
lifestyle. A person who is overweight should lose
weight with healthy eating and regular exercise.
This can bring blood glucose levels down to normal
levels, or at least keep them from rising higher. A
doctor may prescribe medications to treat
prediabetes or other health issues.

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