Cluster Headaches

This condition is a neurological problem that results
in periodic episodes of intense pain. Cluster
headaches are one of the most painful types of
headaches. They often strike in cyclical patterns.
The person will have frequent bouts of cluster
headaches, and then the headaches will stop
completely for a period of time.
Doctors do not know why cluster headaches occur.
They may be related to the hypothalamus, they
may be linked to seasonal changes, and they may
be caused by spinal misalignments (called
subluxations). Some people report that their
headaches are triggered by certain stimuli, although
triggers do not seem to play a large role in cluster
headaches. Smoking, alcohol use, specific foods,
bright light and stress have all been named as
possible triggers.
Symptoms of a cluster headache include a sharp,
burning pain that often starts while a person is
sleeping. The pain is usually centered on one eye,
and may cause the pupil to constrict and the eyelid
to droop. Pain may radiate from the center to other
areas of the head. The person may have a flushed
face and runny nose. Attacks may last from 15
minutes to three hours. During a cluster period – the
period when attacks happen frequently – the person
may have attacks every day at regular times for
weeks or months until the cluster period has
finished. The person may not experience another
cluster period for months or years.
Care and Management
Chiropractic care can be a safe, noninvasive and
effective method for managing cluster headaches.
Spinal adjustments, muscle work and massage
therapy may be beneficial. Other options may
include dietary supplements, relaxation and stress
management techniques, and acupuncture. A
continuing care plan may be recommended to ensure long-lasting benefits.

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