Age Related Macular Degeneration

Age Related Macular Degeneration
This disease causes vision loss. It affects the
center of your visual field. It usually affects both
eyes, but in some people only one eye is affected.
This type of degeneration is a gradual thinning and
breaking down of the macula. The macula is part of
the light-sensitive retina tissue that sees fine details
in the center of your visual field.
The cause of this disease is not fully understood. It
may be linked to deposits of fatty waste and
minerals, called “drusen”, that collect beneath the
macula. You have an increased risk for this disease
if you are older than 65. You are at a higher risk if
you are white, and if you have certain genetic
factors. Smoking, obesity and cardiovascular
disease also increase your risk.
Symptoms include a gradual loss of central vision.
Colors may seem muted. Faces may become hard
to recognize.
Treatment options for this disease are very limited.
You may benefit from vitamin supplements. If you
are a smoker, you may benefit from quitting.
Certain people who are at a very advanced stage of
this disease may benefit from a miniature telescope
implant. Your doctor can create a care plan that is
right for your needs

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