Relux Disease

This is a regular irritation of your esophagus. That's
the part of your digestive system that goes from
your mouth to your stomach. The irritation you feel
is from acid that has escaped your stomach. If you
have questions on how this is covered by your
insurance call us at 509-443-5416.

Normally, a muscle at the bottom of your
esophagus tightens to keep food and stomach
acids in your stomach. If you have
gastroesophageal reflux disease, this muscle
doesn't stay closed. It lets acids from your stomach
leak out. The acids burn the inside of your
esophagus. Certain conditions like obesity,
pregnancy, a hiatal hernia, asthma and diabetes
can increase your risk for this disease.

Acid in your esophagus can cause a burning pain in
your chest. We call this "heartburn." You may also
have a sour taste in the back of your throat. You
may have a dry cough, sore throat, hoarseness and
trouble swallowing. You may feel like you have a
lump in the back of your throat.

Many people can manage this disease with
medications. These can reduce your stomach acid.
They can help heal your esophagus. They can help
strengthen the valve between your esophagus and
stomach. You may also benefit from changes in
your lifestyle. If these options don't help, you may
benefit from surgery. Your healthcare provider can
create a care plan that's right for you.

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