
This is a burning sensation in your chest. It is
related to your digestive system. Most people
experience heartburn occasionally, and have only
mild discomfort. But for some, it can be a chronic
and painful problem.Give us a call we can let you
know how your insurance covers this 509-443-5416.

Heartburn is caused by a leak of stomach acid.
When you swallow, food and liquid pass down your
esophagus. This is the tube that travels from your
throat to your stomach. At the base of your
esophagus is a tight band of muscle that acts as a
valve. Normally, it relaxes to allow food and liquid to
pass into your stomach and then clamps shut to
trap the contents inside. But sometimes acid can be
pushed up through this opening. The acid irritates
the lining of your esophagus, causing the sensation
of heartburn. In some people, this valve may be
abnormally weak, or it may function poorly. This
can result in a type of severe, chronic heartburn
called gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is
commonly called "GERD."

Heartburn can be triggered by certain foods. Spicy
foods, fatty foods, citrus and tomato products are
common culprits. It can be triggered by alcohol,
caffeine and carbonated drinks. You have a higher
risk for heartburn if you are overweight. And it can
be a problem for women during pregnancy.

Symptoms of heartburn may include a burning pain
in your chest. This may be worse after eating. It
may be worse when you lie down. You may also
have a sour, bitter taste in your mouth. If you have
GERD, you may have symptoms such as chest
pain, a dry cough and a sore throat. You may have
difficulty swallowing. You may be hoarse.

Treatment options depend on the frequency and
the severity of your heartburn. You may benefit
from antacids or from medications that reduce
stomach acid. You may benefit from losing weight.
Avoid foods and drinks that trigger your heartburn.
You may want to avoid lying down for several hours
after a meal. If you have GERD, you may need
stronger medications. You may benefit from a
surgical procedure. Your healthcare provider can
develop a care plan that is right for your needs.

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